About Me

As a data analyst, I believe in the power of visual storytelling to create impactful visualizations that form a narrative on their own.

Working as an account manager for almost 5 years, finding any unusual patterns in the financial data of customers has always been a core element of my job. Growing and developing my skills and experience through the years, I always wanted to dive deeper for a more comprehensive understanding of large-scale data and the decisions derived from these data.

After learning the joys of programming with Python and SQL, I am eager to apply my skills to transform complex data into insightful visualizations.

My Skills

  • Data Preparation

    Gather, Combine, Structure, Summarize and Much More!

  • Data Interpretation

    Hypothesis Testing, A/B Testing, Correlation, Clustering, Statistics Finding, Linear Regression and Classification.

  • Data Visualization

    Creation of Static and Interactive Dataviz and Dashboards Through Tableau.

Tools I Use

  • Python
  • SQL
  • Tableau
  • Excel
  • Git

My Portfolio

  • Price Prediction in Airbnb Berlin

    Goal: Analyze variables impacting the price and demand of Airbnb Listings. Predict optimal rental price in Berlin’s Airbnb listing using Linear Regression.

  • Instacart Basket Analysis

    Goal: Perform an exploratory analysis of Instacart Grocery Basket to identify the variety of customers in the Instacart database. Explore the purchasing behaviors to create a targeted marketing strategy and marketing campaigns using Python.

  • Rockbuster Top Customer Analysis

    Goal: Conduct a strategic analysis of movies. Discover the most loyal customers of a movie rental company. Inspect the demographics & spending behavior across the customer base.

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